
This is a template file that is associated with a template directory structure. This note will be deleted when the section is properly populated

Control Packages & Classes

A control package/class is a high-level grouping of CSCs. The idea is to create some coordinated control systems for the telescope that are related to a particular purpose. A couple of these purposes are control of the low-level telescope and control of the entire observatory. These packages become the telescope control system and observatory control system. Another layer of packages are the telescope’s imaging system and its calibration system. These systems can be then used by the provided scripting system in order to perform coordinated functionality of the observatory. The control packages deal with performing actions with the observatory such as rotating and moving the dome or telescope mount. Another way to think about these packages is that they perform coordinated actions with multiple CSCs from one command. An official lsst-ts git repository has been created to store these packages. As a result of the continuing development of the functionality of these packages, they must have integration and unit tests written in order to be considered safe for official observatory use.

Another level of packages will deal with helping to perform observing duties and integrating with the Science Platform. The observing duties packages are located in the lsst-ts git repo. The science platform packages are located in the lsst-dm repo. This level is considered a testing grounds for these utilities which could be promoted to a official control package.

Control package description, link to dev area(s) and workflow